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Customer Support

Please fill out the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Support Request

Logging In

A visual guide for logging in is found on this Getting Started page.

For more specific concerns related to logging in - such as Forgotten Password, Logging in without a Password, Resetting Password, please click on this link to bring you to our Quick Answers to Frequently Asked Questions page.

Accessing the Course

If you have not done so yet, please check out the Getting Started page for a visual guide on how to access and go through the various levels of the course.

Where to look for missing emails from us

There is a search box on the email client app that you use to check your emails regularly. Please try and search the following query strings to check if the result will bring out the one you are looking for:

  • Dee Bills
  • Front Office GURU
  • Snappy
  • Login Link
  • Password Reset
  • Any other keyword you want to look for from our emails to you

The SPAM folder on your mailboxes is another area where you could check. There are certain mail client apps that have strict security measures, which in turn might have accidentally marked our emails as spam.

Course Progress

Tracking your over-all course progress could be done by viewing the lower area of the Overview Page.

Course progress for any specific level or lesson could be found on the upper right area of the level you are on identifiable by the rectangular box with a numerical value and a percentage sign inside it. Levels that are partially or fully completed will have be rendered with the color green.

An overview of each of the levels' progress could also be found through the right sidebar navigation, introduced on the Getting Started page.

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Check out your course dashboard through this link.

View your Account Profile through this link.
