Library for Team Leaders

Team Leader Library

Check out our Video posts on the topic specified above. These contents are exclusively designed for Premium subscribers. Feel free to review any of our previous video lessons to help you get on your way to becoming a front office master.

02/07/24: Working with a PCC on time management

01/03/24: Hiring Great Front Office Staff

01/17/24: Preparing for Winter Weather

01/17/24: The First 3 Key Steps in Cancellation Prevention

01/03/24: Patients Seeing More Than One Clinician

Staff Management: Handling Staff Who Aren’t Producing

Staff Management: The 4 P’s Necessary for Practice Expansion

Hiring Qualified Front Office Staff (7)

Hiring Qualified Front Office Staff (6)

Hiring Qualified Front Office Staff (5)

Hiring Qualified Front Office Staff (4)

Hiring Qualified Front Office Staff (3)

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